South Lane Youth Football & Cheer is a dedicated non-profit organization comprised of passionate volunteers committed to nurturing the spirit of football and cheerleading in Cottage Grove and surrounding areas.
Their unwavering support and countless hours of service are invaluable, ensuring that these activities continue to thrive in our community.
Together, they are making a significant impact on the lives of our youth, fostering teamwork, discipline, and resilience while creating lasting memories.
Thank you to our board members;
Steve Aman
Jessica Aman
Mike Hoagland
Heavenly Glerup
Brad Huntley
Sergeant at Arms
Jake Stanley
Coach's Coordinator
Jennifer Conklin
Registration Coordinator
Team Manager Coordinator
Kyla Adair
Fundraising/Sponsorship Coordinator
Randi Huntley
Anna Walter
Equipment Manager
Heather Farmer
Media Specialist
Daylinn Brooks
Cheer Coordinator
Lacie Rhodes
Member at Large